
The activities of the Association cover arranging lectures by eminent preparing a State Directory of libraries and libraries, an Union Catalogue of periodicals in Gujarat State, organizing Seminars and Conferences on library and information services, organizing book-exhibitions for making reading popular, building a public opinion for enhancement of library legislation in the State, stayrting a newsletter and so on. To fulfill above objectives Gujarat Granthalaya-Seva Sangh is organizing conferences every year at various places in Gujarat to discuss the various problems that beset Library Services in Gujarat State. 250 to 300 librarians from all over Gujarat attend such conferences and 20 to 30 papers are presented and discussed during each conference. First conference was held in may 1975. Uptill now 19 such state level conferences have been organized. Specialists are invited to deliver talks on new developments in Library and Information areas


The objectives of the Association are to help: in improving library and information services and in spreading library movement throughout the Gujarat State

  • To represent to suitable authorities the common problems of libraries and librarians
  • To co-operate in library and information science education and if needed arrange for library and information science education.
  • Research in library and information science.
  • To organise seminars, conferences, arrange lectures, meetings, etc.
  • To co-operate similar Associations for the betterment of library and information services in Gujarat.
  • To publish periodical and adhoc publication related to library and information science.
  • To organize book-exhibitions